jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

POST 5 (week 7) My future job

At this moment I am living in time of insecurity of what is going to be about me after I get my degree in university. I'm feeling that dedicate most of my life to filmmaking isn't what I really want, and because of that I am starting to consider other options.

I see myself recording marriages, christenings, firsts days of school. And I like the idea, because I would really enjoy the relative calm of that kind of work. Sure I would be constantly outdoor and I'd never have certainty  of a salary, two things that doesn't let me sleep in the night.

On the other side, maybe I would take another available job to gather money, lick some boots in CORFO and start my own business in electronics. It would have a lot indoor work, thing that I like, but there is also no estability about salary, so insecurities keeps in mind.

I can't see others solutions. Perhaps making videoclips for emerging bands, but as in the other cases, that don't guarantee anything to me, and is even more risky. What I have left, at least to make the degree count, being youtuber? oh please no.

Probably this mood is common in people of my generation and age, but for the reasons I explained, I don't feel in the position to say where Im going to be in the next 5 years.

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