jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019

POST 6 (week 8) Postgraduate studies

I'm not sure if I want to do a course of postgraduate. At this point I'm mostly tired of academy. I want to start doing actual things more than investigation. I'm more interested in doing my own projects and trying to make my own road. But in the hipotetical case where I have to choose between postgraduate options, I think I'd choose something about programation or interactive media. Like interactive or VR films, because I think there is the new forms to do art and more enveloping and inclusive new  experiences.

Today technology is pretty rustic in that area, but I am pretty convinced that we just have to give it a little push and then it will grow like any other expresive form (or get some millionaire's attention to invest in the area). I don't know if exists courses here in Chile, maybe Victor Fajnzylber is doing some courses. However, if there is in this country i'd totally choose doing it here.

How i would do it? well, i know me, and to me is really hard to be constant and methodical so distantce learning wouldn't work with me, and i'd really hate if it had to be full time. so I probably choose part-time so I can work in any other area to fund my projects 

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