martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019

POST 3 (week 5): My favorite Movie and other things related

 My favourite film is Star Wars, it's a film about a young farmer (Mark Hamill) who joins a terrorist group to destroy the main base of a galactic empire. Plot twist: Boy turns out to be son of the foreman.
There you have magic cultists vs aliens, galactic senates, space ghosts, and sound in space. It has a lot of different stuff from cultural and pop references mixed together and still works.

 I have seen that movie a lot of times since I was a child, and everytime it works to me because most of things are explained or have the enough exposition along enough time. Everything there is nonsense, but funny nonsense and actually well explained. At last, it's all about suspension of disbelief. That's why i love science fiction movies.

In the other side, I discovered one of the most disturbing films not a long time ago. I can't say it is the worst that I've ever seen, but it is easily in my top 10. It's name is Dragonfyre (2013),  a very cheap film that can define the kind of films that are exposed on buses. in simple words its about a veteran american soldier vs orcs, yep...orcs.

For sure that mix could work...maybe. Like any mix. But it must have a previous establishment of  verosimilitude, and it really doesn't have it. It is just ''I'm an ex soldier trying to retire in a farm...whoops there's orcs and dragoons in my yard, I'm going to kill all those bastards with my rpg launcher taken out from nowhere''. So, how i said, it is all about suspension of disbelief, and this movie doesn't make it.

2 comentarios:

  1. I also like Star Wars. Are you excited about episode IX?

  2. I like star wars but I've never seen all the movies because are a lot :(
