jueves, 22 de agosto de 2019

POST 1 (Week 3) A country i'd like to visit

Many people tends to dream about living in a perpetual a journey. They'd love to visit places most as posible and keep moving till they bodies can't keep working.
But I am not that kind of people, I' am very sedentary, and most of the time I prefeer to stay in home than travel outside the city. Seriously, there is just few places that im really interested to visit. One of them is Australia.

I don't know much about that country, but it has many things that makes it interesting.
First of all. It has a lot of exotic wildlife. Not just kangaroos and platypus. Almost any animal has its australian poisonous variation with weird shapes and colours.
Probably, living in a country where almost anything is poisonous at the point of kill you in seconds can't be a happy way to live, but Australian people discovered that it was nothing that coexist isolated from the rest of the world for thousand years couldn't fix.

That brings me to my second point:
Australia is the tenth happiest place to live. So i'd like to meet people or just experience myself how is to live in there, know how are their habits, traditions, paradigms.  Basically what makes them so happy and try to learn it.

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